come hell or high water


come hell or high water 的定义

  1. see hell or high water.

come hell or high water 近义词

come hell or high water

等同于 absolutely

更多come hell or high water例句

  1. Fluoride first entered an American water supply through a rather inelegant technocratic scheme.
  2. When cities started adding chlorine to their water supplies, in the early 1900s, it set off public outcry.
  3. Before anti-vaxxers, there were anti-fluoriders: a group who spread fear about the anti-tooth decay agent added to drinking water.
  4. Placed in drinking water, fluoride can serve people who otherwise have poor access to dental care.
  5. In secret, before the referendum, the council went ahead and fluoridated the water anyway.
  6. In their shelter, Brion and Ulv crouched low and wondered why the attack didn't come.
  7. Honour the physician for the need thou hast of him: for the most High hath created him.
  8. The most High hath created medicines out of the earth, and a wise man will not abhor them.
  9. Urbanity ushers in water that needs no apology, and gives a zest to the worst vintage.
  10. The Majesty on high has a colony and a people on earth, which otherwise is under the supremacy of the Evil One.